Facts About 1 Thessalonians

The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, or 1 Thessalonians , is a Pauline Epistle written by the Apostle Paul, probably between 52-54 A.D. It is probably one of his earliest-known letters, and one of the oldest books in the New Testament. His aim for this letter was to strengthen the Christian church in Thessalonica by declaring Christ’s second coming.

In this book, Paul emphasized and expressed his thankfulness for the faithfulness and love of the Thessalonians to the Lord, and stresses the importance about the return of Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians is the first letter ever written by Paul

The church of Thessalonica was established during Paul’s 2nd missionary journey

Paul stayed in Thessalonica for a month

Paul commends the believers for staying strong in their faith through several tough situations

He continues to encourage them to continually get better in their relationship with God

Paul provides comfort for those Christian brothers and sister whom have died

Paul encouraged the church of Thessalonica to increase brotherly love, to pray, to rejoice, and to always give thanks

Paul deals heavily with the second coming of Christ

Thessalonica was the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia

1 Thessalonians was written after hearing good news of their church from Timothy