Facts About Peter the Apostle

Peter was one of the first to ever be called by Jesus to follow Him. Peter was always quick to speak, sometimes to his detriment, and always remained one of the most stalwart of Jesus’ disciples. Peter was the first person to ever call Jesus the Son of the Living God. From the beginning, Peter felt unworthy to be in God’s presence and counted Himself lucky to be one of His most trusted followers. Even after Jesus’ was called back to heaven, Peter continued the Good Work, making disciples of many and even planting a church in Rome itself. Peter followed Jesus to the grave, eventually being crucified upside down for being a Christian. Peter is now viewed by the Catholic Church as being the first Pope due to his prominence in the early Christian church. Peter’s status as an Apostle comes from the fact that he bore personal witness to Jesus’ ministry and miracles.

Name: Simon Peter

Family: Jonas (Father)

Nicknames: Simon (Greek), Cephas (Hebrew)

  • Both names translate to mean ‘rock’ in English


  • Outspoken
  • Stubborn
  • Often stuck his foot in his mouth
  • Honorable
  • Bold
  • Denied Jesus three times during His arrest

Life before Christ:

  • Was born in Bethsaida
  • Was a follower of John the Baptist
  • Was a fisherman
  • Was married
  • Was of Galilean descent


  • Was a member of the Inner Circle of Jesus
  • Wrote two books of the New Testament (1 & 2 Peter)
  • Was considered the leader of the disciples as well as their spokesman
  • Peter was the first to declare Jesus as the Son of God
  • His ministry ranged as far as Babylon


  • Peter was crucified upside down as he considered himself unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ did