Fun Facts About The Book Of Amos

The Book of Amos is a prophetic book in the Old Testament. The book identifies the author as the prophet Amos, who wrote probably between 760 and 753 BC, during the reign of Jeroboam II in Israel. Although he hailed from Judea, Amos preached in the northern kingdom of the neighboring nation, Israel.

In the book, Amos works as a shepherd and fruit picker in the southern Judean village of Tekoa when God calls him to be His messenger. God wants Amos to warn the northern kingdom that it will be punished for its wickedness.

Because Amos is only a small-time businessman who had no priestly background whatsoever, his message of impending doom is largely ignored by the people. Even the false priests try to silence him.

Even though the book contains Amos’ announcement of the impending doom, it ends with his message of restoration and hope for Israel.

Check out the other interesting facts about The Book of Amos here in this gallery: