Prayers for Your Child in Middle School

Middle school is a rough couple of years for kids. Children who were top of their classes in elementary school may find themselves in a different ranking in middle school, and popularity changes by the day. There are a lot of new experiences, new concepts, and new challenges. This means that the children need their parents’ prayers more than ever. Prayer changes things, and prayer brings the peace of knowing that, whatever happens, God is in control.

Prayer for Purity

One of the biggest challenges that middle schoolers face is the desires that come along with puberty. There are many secular children at school that are not as concerned with maintaining purity, making it much more of a temptation for Christian kids, and much more difficult for them to avoid.

“Heavenly Father, please be with my child who is attending middle school. You know what temptations will be faced and the encouragement to participate in activities that compromise purity. Give my child strength to resist the pulls of impurity that are sure to be faced during the coming days. Guide this young one in the right way and lend Your strength to the desire to follow You.”

Prayer for Courage and Strength

Because kids are facing new challenges and new temptations, their need for strength and courage is great. They will need strength to be themselves despite the criticism of people who are only interested in making themselves look better. They will need courage to stand up against injustices they see, both from other students and, potentially, from staff members.

“Dear Lord, You know what my child will be facing today. You know what other students may do and whether my child will be an observer or the victim – please do not ever let my child be the offender! Give my kid Your strength to stand up for what is right and the courage to face others, even when it could harm my kid’s social standing. Give the strength of character to always follow Your will and Your Spirit.”

Prayer for Maturity

Children moving into middle school are usually “tweens” – almost teenagers but not quite yet. By the end of middle school, they are beginning their teen years. This is a time when hormone changes can make them seem crazy, and these same hormone changes tend to complicate pretty much everything. Asking God to guide them through this upheaval is an excellent way to help handle it, and of course parental guidance to encourage proper responses.

“Lord God, this child You gave me has a lot of growing up to do. Give me wisdom to guide our kid in the right path and be with my child and guide through all the coming decisions. Help my child to grow emotionally as well as physically and bring this young one to maturity following You.”

Prayer for Friends

Friends tend to be an important part of school for most children. Finding the right friends is not as easy as one might hope. Parents know how crucial it is for kids to have friends that will encourage them in the right way and support them in proper behavior. Children also need to learn to be the right kind of friends. It is so easy to look at children who get into trouble as a group and assume it was the other kids who are at fault, but much harder to realize that one’s own children were not innocent. Parents need to pray for their children as they choose friends.

“Father, bring the right kind of friends into the life of my child. Guide my child to be the right kind of friend. Keep these kids in Your hands and help them to do what is right, and to encourage each other to do what is right. Give them strength, guidance, and laughter as they go through the next years of school together.”

Prayer for Protection

Schools can be scary places in today’s world. There are random shootings, abusive teachers, and all sorts of danger. Thankfully, these things are rarer than the news media might have parents think, but the fact remains that these things do happen. It is impossible to know ahead of time which school will be affected by these negative instances. Children can only benefit from their parents praying for their protection.

“Dear Lord, the school shootings and abusive teachers in the news make me very nervous about my child going to school every day. Please keep the students safe today and restrict the teachers from causing damage to any child. Help the children to learn without fear and in safety. Keep all evil away from my child. Thank You.”

Prayer for Influences

Teachers, coaches, guidance counselors, even older friends all have an influence on children. Parents desire for these mentors to use their influence in a positive way.

“Dear Jesus, please bring into my child’s life mentors that will influence my child to follow Your ways. Lead these teachers and other authorities to properly execute their position and offer positive feedback and encouragement to the children under their care. Help my child to pay attention to what is said and to follow the advice given in wisdom.”

Prayer for Peace and Calm

Tests, gym, disagreements, and other stressors are rampant in the school setting, at any age, but especially for pre-teens and new teens.

“Lord God, please give my child Your peace that passes all understanding throughout the school day. Offer perspective to understand others and calmness to discuss or accept, whichever is appropriate. Soothe the nerves and minds of my kid and all the other people with whom interaction is necessary.”

Prayer for Focus and Understanding

Since the primary purpose of school is education, praying for children to learn well can only be helpful. It can be difficult to assimilate new concepts and deal with new information.

“Heavenly Father, bring clarity to my child’s mind and help the information to stick. Help my child to understand the concepts that are presented and to have the ability to use the information appropriately. Give my child focus to listen to the teachers and learn the lessons being taught.”

Pray for Open Communication

Parents can best help their children when they know what is going on in the child’s life. When children refuse to share with their parents, it can be difficult to know what to pray for specifically. Encouraging children to speak candidly with their parents is imperative to proper relationship.

“Dear God, give my child the willingness to be open with me about what is being learned and what is going on at school. Since I cannot be there with my child, help this young one to realize I can only know what I hear from my child and that it is important for communication to be kept open and clear. Give me the wisdom to approach my child in a way that encourages openness, as well.”

There are many situations that children will face as they grow, and middle school is full of all kinds of new experiences along with choices and decisions that have not been a part of most children’s previous experience. Entreating God for wisdom, strength, clarity, and all of the other qualities mentioned above is welcome: He tells us that if any lack wisdom, to ask God for it and He will provide.