Introduction to Abraham

Introduction to Abraham

Abraham, originally named Abram, is the perfect example of faith and trust in God. He was living a prosperous life when God called him away to a foreign, far-flung land. He did not even know where he was going, but he trusted God to lead the way. God promised that Abraham would … Read more

Introduction to Elijah the Prophet

Name: Elijah Family: Unknown Nicknames: Prophet Elias, Elijah the Tishbite Elias is the Greek/Latin form of Elijah, they both mean ‘My God is Yahweh’ Elijah was born in a village called Tishbe Personality: Rugged Blunt Fearless Faithful Honest Accomplishments/Major Events: Once challenged 450 false prophets to set fire to a bonfire without … Read more

Introduction to Esther

Esther is one of the best examples of God using women in His Perfect Plan. She was a Jew living in Susa, the capital city of Persia, and was looked down on with suspicion due to her race. She was raised by her uncle, Mordecai, who treated her like his own daughter. … Read more