Prayers for Your Child as an Infant

Children are a blessing from God, and they are also an awesome responsibility. Parents are expected to love, protect, feed, clothe, house, and rear these tiny humans, offering training, encouragement, and more. This can be a daunting task, and like most things in life, should be taken one step at a time.

One of the best things a parent can do to equip a child is to pray. Praying for one’s child is so important! God cares, and God answers prayers. When parents pray regularly for their children, they can rest in the fact that God is in control no matter what happens.

Prayers for Your Child as an Infant

Praying for children does not, however, mean that everything will be sunshine and roses. Prayer is not a magic wand! But it does mean that God will be there through the storms and difficulties.

It is never too soon to start praying for a child. It does not hurt to pray before children have even begun arriving, but most wait at least until conception, and some until the child is born. Regardless when you begin, pray!

Infants may not be able to do much on their own, but that does not mean they do not need prayer. God knows this precious child from the beginning of time, and He stands waiting to hear from His children of any age. There are some situations that may seem to warrant more prayer than others, such as when a baby is ill. Below are some suggested prayers for babies in different situations.

Prayer for a Newborn

When a baby is just born, it is a special time for those involved – a miracle has just occurred. Most parents are filled with wonder, joy, and thankfulness at such a time.

“Thank You, God, for this precious gift that You have added to our family! I praise You in deep gratitude for the blessing with which You have trusted me. Help me to parent this child according to Your guidance and to take my responsibilities as a parent seriously. Help me to teach this baby about You and lead this child to believe You and know You. Thank you for this child who is fearfully and wonderfully made by Your loving hands!”

Prayer of Dedication

For Christians who do not follow the Catholic custom of christening a baby, many choose to dedicate the child instead. Some have a service focusing on the dedication, some do it in a brief ceremony after service, and some just have a personal time with God.

“Dear Father, thank You for this child with which You entrusted us. Give us the strength and grace to properly train this child whom we love and cherish. We offer this child to You, for Your work and Your service, as well as Your protection, just as Samuel’s mother offered him. Help us to remember that this baby is Yours that we may raise up a strong, Godly servant for You. Draw this child to You early, that sin may not get a foothold, and teach Your grace and mercy through us. Help this baby to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of You, as Your Son did.”

Prayer for a Baby to Sleep

Babies come into this world with a different sleep schedule than that to which their parents are accustomed. Sometimes parents have only one desire – for the baby to sleep!

“Heavenly Father, You know how happy I am that You gave me this baby and how much I love this child. You also know how very tired I am. You said that You give Your beloved sleep. Please give this precious child a deep and refreshing sleep, drenched in Your peace.”

Prayer for a Baby With Chronic Illness

It is difficult for an adult who has learned about things like chronic illness to deal with the symptoms, pains, and difficulties of it, so imagine how difficult it must be for an infant who has no life experience to lean on!

“Father God, we beg You for Your healing touch on this baby. We desire Your grace and mercy and healing power to bring this child to full health. Give this baby comfort and ease the symptoms, we plead. Touch the baby’s body and give strength to overcome; heal the root of the disease. Give the doctors wisdom to correctly diagnose and treat the child. Give us peace and strength in the days ahead.”

Prayer for a Baby With a Minor Sickness

Even babies get colds or rashes sometimes. While these are usually minor and often go away quickly, prayer for them is never a bad idea. God wants us to bring to Him all our cares, no matter how small we perceive them to be, and a sick baby – even a minor illness – is not small to new parents.

“Lord God, this tiny child is sick and we desire Your touch, as the Great Physician, to heal this baby’s body. You know the problem and the disease; please, by Your grace, heal this baby and restore complete health. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your promise to heal our infirmities.”

Prayer for a Baby Having Surgery

Sometimes, babies are born with severe issues that require surgery. Some of these include cleft palate, spina bifida, and heart defects. It is a difficult time for new parents to relinquish their infant into the hands of the surgeons, even knowing how necessary it is.

“Dear Father, this tiny child is going through invasive surgery and is so small! Be with the child. Guide the hands of the surgeons and nurses that are caring for the baby and give them wisdom to complete it successfully. Be with the child’s family, guard our hearts and minds as we wait for answers. The feeling of helplessness is strong, but we know that You are in control. Give us peace and thank You for Your constant presence.”

Of course, these are not the only situations in which one would pray for their infant, but praying throughout the day as the baby has needs or just in thanks for a new precious life will often come naturally to loving, Godly parents.