Prayer for Your Child Who Is Marrying

heart wedding marriage hands
heart wedding marriage hands

Young adults getting married is the beginning of a whole new chapter of their lives. There are many things they will discover in marriage for which they have no previous frame of reference, and many new decisions and experiences. Sharing life with a partner is exhilarating but it can also be incredibly difficult, especially for young adults who have lived alone and are not in the habit of considering someone else when making decisions.

The best thing parents can do to help their newlywed children is to pray for them. Praying for the specific challenges they will face can help to support them through the early days, as well as later.

Prayer for the Wedding

There are so many things that can go wrong, even when the wedding is thoroughly planned. There are always factors that cannot be controlled that may go sideways. Sometimes these things can turn the wedding into a happily memorable event, while others can make it seem like a complete disaster – but sometimes that depends on the way the people involved handle it.

“Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for these young people that have determined that it is Your desire for them to become one flesh, according to Your predetermined plan. Please allow the wedding ceremony to go smoothly, and the reception to be honoring to You in all things. If something does go wrong, please help us to handle it appropriately and make it into something good and memorable instead of devastating. May all of the guests enjoy the event and behave appropriately throughout the entire day. Bless the bride and groom with love and laughter and help us, as their parents, as we transition to a new relationship.”

Prayer for the Honeymoon

Most couples take some time immediately after the wedding to separate themselves and just enjoy each other. This can vary from one day to several weeks. While life always has the possibility of throwing a wrench in the works, it is possible that prayer can keep the difficulties to a minimum.

“Dear Lord Jesus, please help our children to have a very enjoyable vacation and help them to enjoy their time together. Give them a close relationship filled with love and help them to learn to work around conflicts and resolve them amicably. Give them friendship with each other as well as a romantic relationship. Bless their trip with safety and may everything they do be honoring to You.”

Prayer for the Early Days

The early days of marriage have many obstacles and pitfalls but if a couple focus on working together and making things work out well, they can be surmounted. Learning how to live with another person’s idiosyncrasies and foibles can be challenging, but it can be done. Christian parents have hopefully been able to display this throughout the years of growing up. If the bride or groom is a first-generation Christian, then praying for strength to work through things is more important than ever, especially if that one’s parents did not stay together.

“Dear God, protect these young adults as they embark on one of the most exciting rides of their lives. Give them strength to reach appropriate compromises. Make them willing to submit to each other as necessary. Give him the wisdom to lead their family in the way You want them to go and give her the willingness to follow him as he follows You. Provide for their needs and shower them with blessings. Help their sense of humor to get them through the difficult times and keep them pleasant with each other. Help them to fight with dignity and keep everything aboveboard. Give them staying power and keep them together while they live on earth.”

Prayer for Honeymoon Pregnancy

Sometimes couples discover shortly after their honeymoon that they have conceived and a new family member is imminent. Some conceive prior to marriage. Some desire to conceive as soon as possible. All of these situations are good reasons to pray.

Conception Has Occurred

“Lord God, thank You for the grandbaby with which You have blessed our family. Bless this baby with health and may the child grow strong without complications. Give our children strength to deal with morning sickness, hormone changes, and the other things that go with pregnancy. Help her to be healthy throughout her pregnancy and help him to do what she needs from him.”

Conception Is Desired

“Heavenly Father, our children desire to have their own children as soon as You will allow. Please bless them with conception. Open her womb and give them the blessing of children. Keep them safe and healthy, and may their children be healthy as well.”

Prayer for Difficulties

Every marriage has its share of difficulties. Some are external – bills, income changes, critical people, friends who mean well, car troubles, and any number of other things – while others are internal such as arguments and disagreements, health challenges, and more. All of the difficulties that afflict a married couple can be dealt with and overcome with the right attitude and the help of the Creator.

“Dear Father, these newlyweds are dealing with some difficult times right now. Help them to follow You and keep them from discouragement. Meet the need and bring them through this situation stronger than before. Help them to deal with it in an appropriate manner. Heal any rifts this situation has caused and draw them closer to You as they work through this situation. Give them health and strength and comfort as only You can. Give us wisdom to assist them as needed, or to stay out of it, if that would be the better option. Help us to know how we can best support them through this difficult time.”

There are sure to be a large variety of reasons to pray for and with young adult offspring and their new spouses. Keeping God in the middle of the relationship is doubtless the best way to make sure the relationship keeps going in the right direction.